Monday, November 28, 2005

Teaching Simulations

After working on our egame project, Carolina contributed links to two teaching simulations that are available online. One of these games is called Virtual School. This is a simulation for teachers, and there are several avenues that you can walk down in order to experience life as an educator. You are first greeted by the school secretary, who will give you a tour....or you can chose to explore on your own.

You can choose various aspects of being an educator, such as background and day-to-day events. This is the area that I tried out. The other areas include: curriculum development, raising student achievement, leading the staff, building capacity and capability in learning and teaching, and inclusive practice.

I start off in a small office and need to sort through my mail. Just as in my real teacher's box, my virtual box also contains the usual junk: soliticitation, memos regarding over zealous copying, schedules, etc.

I spent some time walking around the corridors, inspecting classrooms, and visiting the teacher's lounge. In my office, I also clicked on a few scenarios. I had 3 choices in how I would address the scenarios.

Although I did not give the game quite enough time, it intrigued me enough to possibly return for more explanation.

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