Saturday, November 12, 2005

Second Life Goes On...

Hi, Fellow Second Lifers!
Went to find the infamous "Tringo" and found a place to play, but no players and couldn't get it to work. Has anyone else tried that yet? Played a "Greedy, Greedy Dice Table" instead (again all alone) and finally figured out how to work it. Some things are definitely more intuitive than others...

Also have hooked up with Mari Asturias (aka Cathy) a couple of times to see the progress of the land she bought and has used to make an incredible place. It is so relaxing... I am ready to move in! Here is a picture of us chatting by the campfire she has going there. She had the idea so you will know we are busily collaborating!

I also went to church, but the sermon was a little on the dry side. No wonder there was no one else there...

I have been wandering around in the same clothes for days, so it was time for a change...phew! Changing appearance is the only place where my computer gets a little glitchy with this program. Anyway, here is my new casual outfit: I just wish that were my new house and fountain...but alas, I just trespassed yet again on private property for a gratuitous photo shoot.

One of my favorite things to do in Second Life is fly. I like to fly and then land like a bird on the top of very high places. In this photo, I am on a platform near the top of a very tall tower. I stayed there for quite a long time enjoying the 360-degree view and the beautiful sunset. It surprises me how one can get caught up in the exploration and just ignore the real world (not a good thing for an edtec student with three classes...)

So...back to my first life...


1 comment:

Cathy said...

You're welcome at my fire anytime, (Next time - YOU bring the marshmallows!)- Mari (Cathy)