Monday, November 07, 2005

Adventure (barely) begins

I downloaded Second Life and had to install and update a driver. I went into the virtual world as Tegwen Tardis and found that it was very frustrated to move around. I am not sure that my computer is handling this very well. Is the landscape supposed to have details? After looking at some other member's snapshots, I see that the land is very detailed and that the characters are wearing clothes.

In my second life the world is stark and bare....and most of the time, so am I! I entered the world with no clothes, walked for a little ways, clothes appeared suddenly. I traveled a little further, and then my clothes disappeared. I was instructed to try picking up a beach ball and placing it on a table, but could not find a beach ball...let alone manipulate my character to move to the right angle. Is there a way to go back to the beginning, because now I feel lost.

I had a lot of trouble moving around....either moving to far or too little. I also was not used to waiting for the computer to react to my movements, would hit the arrow keys too quickly, and then would fine myself drowning in water that I never saw coming!

1 comment:

Diana said...

I have similar responses when I am looking at the environment from home (via modem). Because everything is streamed live, it doesn't all come into view at once. Although, you can also see similar responses when the system is having problems. The new updated version had some problems like that today.