Thursday, November 02, 2000

Violence and Responsibility. This blog is in reference to Eric Logan's and Bernie's blog on age influencing people's opinions toward violence in games. From what I have read the older kids playing these games don't seemed as concerned with the hype over how much violence there is in today's games, obviously because they can tell right from wrong (or at least we hope they can...). But is it necessary to make the legal age 17 to rent these games. I would think that if this were the case, the gaming industry would lose a huge part of it's clientele. At the same time though, how do we know when kids are old enough to decipher right from wrong. I agree with Elaine, who makes these rules, and who decides whether or not they are justifiable or not. As of now, there is a somewhat lackadaisical rating system where there is an overwhelming majority of parents that disagree with it. Do I think there should be stricter restrictions on kids' access to these games? Yes, if they can't handle the so called responsibility. Do I think that producers of these games should lessen the degree of violence? No, then that ruins it for the rest of the people such as Eric and his Quakers who enjoy playing each other in these games. But in the end, it all goes back to the responsibility of the parents. It is there job to decide what there kids have exposure to not the makers of the games.

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