Thursday, November 02, 2000

Gender and Glitz. I am about to undergo the rite of passage known as "comps' so I'll keep this brief. Perhaps after this weekend I will have achance to elaborate. With regards to games, violence, and gender ..... [I am on the gender team]

I believe, from my research findings and personal experience, that there are certainly differences (in GENERAL, not saying ALL) between gender preferences with regards to computer games and the type of game (related, somewhat, to violence). Girls and boys tend to approach the computer and games in different ways and for difference uses. In general, we found (from the results of the survey) boys tended to prefer highly visual games, with lights and sound effects. Girls, on the other hand, did not even mention this ONCE as being one of the most improatant aspects of a game. On a personal note: My husband LOVES sports - he loves playing and he loves watching. Ask him the reasons why, and they are VERY different than my reasons for playing and watching. Anyway, I've got to go before I lose this again...

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