Sunday, November 12, 2000

A Male Responds...

This blog is in response to Sara Pehrsson's blog about what is so appealing to video games that seems to distract males. To tell you the truth, I don't know. I don't play video games everyday, maybe twice a month at the most! Even when I do play them, I get bored. But I can see where your boyfriend is coming from when he says that it relaxes him. Although, if he's pounding his keyboard while he's playing, I don't know how relaxed he really is. Anyway, you made a good point when you said that it would be great if all that motivation could be combined with games and learning. After reading that chat and making that posting, I was thinking that if these girls' boyfriends sole purpose for playing these games was because they were turned on by the sex appeal of the women characters, then they have issues... But then again, sad to say, I guess it doesn't take much for some people!

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