Monday, November 27, 2000

Screen Shots

While out doing my day after Thanksgiving shopping, I ran across a few interactive games that I hadn't seen before. One game I took some time to look at was designed for the baseball enthusiast. You plug it into the TV and it came equipped with a bat, a ball, and home plate. If you chose to pitch, you threw the ball towards the screen (without letting go) and it would appear on your TV approaching a computerized batter. If you chose to be the batter, a ball came towards you on the screen and you would swing the bat. The ball would then appear on the screen again wherever you supposedly hit it. At first glance I thought this was quite an interesting game. My interest began to fade as I thought about my WebQuest topic of game violence. All we need (and for all I know there already is one) is for there to be a game that plugs into the TV and you have a gun to shoot at computerized people on the screen. What's the flip side, they shoot back at you? You pretend to play dead? If this hasn't already shown up on the market, I hope it never will. I found myself to be pretty much in the middle of the road when working with my team. But when it comes to a game like this I would have to save no way. Take it off the shelf! (Not the baseball game but a shooting game.)

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