Sunday, November 19, 2000

Random Thoughts

Long time, no blog, I know. But here are some random thoughts concerning blogs from the past few weeks.

Regarding men and games (and is it the sex appeal?) - in our research on gender issues, we discovered that many believe (based on their studies) that men view computers as a toy, while women view computers as a tool. Now, you combine this with Malone & Lepper's instrinsic motivational factors (see Challenge, Toys vs. Tools) and immediately one can begin to theorize why men may be attracted to computer games (moreso than women). Because, just like their motorcycles, quads, big trucks, and other "machines" men are really just big boys playing with their toys! (That last sentence was written "tongue-in-cheek" so please don't get all upset by it. However, there may be a grain of truth....)

Bernie, great avatar (I think that's what it's called)!

Finally, for Nicole (and her first grade computer "wizard'!) - What a wonderful role model for other children (especially the other girls) in your class! One of the greatest areas of concern in regards to girls and computers in the lack of female role models in the field. ALL of us can think about how we portray computer professionals to the next generation - are they "nerds" or just intelliegent people who are using technology to accomplish goals?

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