Sunday, November 05, 2000

Girls Turned Off By "Nerdy" Image Of IT

In respond to "Why Aren't Girls More Tech Savvy?." That article indicates girls, in general, have little interest in a computer's speed, how technology works, or programming because they're less interested in the machine for the machine's sake than they are in advancing things that they're already interested in--solving problems, communicating with their friends, finding information. If this is true, a question arises:how do we "capture" girls' interests in technology in the new computer age"? There is an article, Girls Turned Off By "Nerdy" Image Of IT having some recommendations with regard to this question.
It says that to capture girls' interest, technology concepts and uses should be incorporated into a wide range of subjects, such as music and history. In addition, girls should also be encouraged to understand and design technological applications, rather than merely use them.

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