Friday, November 10, 2000

Digital Kids

I teach first grade and had an interesting occurrance in class yesterday. (Maybe I'm naive and those of you with children won't be shocked at all.)
It was time for sharing and it was Turi's sharing day. Now she typically brings in some very interesting things and it is obvious that her parents assist her with gathering some information so that she has plently to say about whatever it is she brought to share. On Thursday, she brought in a printed PowerPoint presentation on Manatees. She not only read the information from her slides but added other details as well. The last page of her presentation included other web sites where we might find out more for ourselves. I thought to myself, here's where she's going to have difficulty reading the addresses. But shock me again, she read them off perfectly! She even brought a printed copy of a diagram of the animals for each child in class. During question time, some of the children asked her how she found out all of this information and she described how she went through the internet search process. I was thrilled to see how much parent involvement there was and how much exposure she is getting to computers. I was floored at how knowledgable she really was about everything having to do withher sharing. I look at the other 19 students in my class and think, this is not the norm. Am I correct? I only wish I had the interent in my classroom for her to actually show the children how she did her research. She could even describe how to do the PowerPoint presentation! I think we have a future computer wizard here!

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