Wednesday, November 01, 2000

Carding for Violence. In regards to, "It was asked why we should begin to card before renting video games. But don't we card before those under 17 get in to see a 'R' rated movie? What is the differnece?," there is a difference. As you may recall, some have made the mistake of applying data from research studies on violence in movies and tv to video games. They're not the same thing. As such, there is no one size fits all. Besides, as I understand it rating systems are rather controversially vague right now anyway.

Believe it or not, I do agree with the perspective that some games are inappropriate for children. But, where do we draw the line? Should we just start rating everything for the sake of it? Should we just apply a bandaid to an open wound so that "we" can feel better? I don't profess to have the answer for an issue with so many sides. But I do know that rating everything and "carding" everything won't solve "the problem" that this issue is proposing.

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