Sunday, October 22, 2000

You know how you feel when you read a bunch of information that you can decode, but you have no clue as to the content of what you're reading? New words (as of the last ten minutes) that do NOT mean what you think they mean in English when relating them to concepts about patterns: field, web, patch, lanugage, signals, singleton pattern, abstract pattern, and (my all-time favorite for the day) knode. Forget designing a web page for future EDTEC students on patterns to use in their games. . . I think we should make a dictionary for future EDTEC students just so they can translate what they're reading!

On a different tangent -- I went to the Children's Software Finder and looked for software applicable to the grade level I teach. I only limited my target to fourth grade, Windows platform, and software created after 1997. Guess how many titles this "finder" found!? Only 3! (And two of them were both Carmen Sandiego versions.) The summary and reviews for each software piece was nice, though. Found a few patterns!

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