Monday, October 23, 2000

Hi everyone. Okay, I just resized my screen and lost all of my inital "musings." So far, I'm 0 for 6 on using this medium. I hope it gets better.....

I guess that just emphasizes some of what I've been uncovering in my web quest on gender issues. From the report - Educating Girls in the New Computer Age: A Report on Equity in Technology - some key findings are: 1) girls are not afraid of technology, they just see it as divorced from subject matter and interpersonal relationships 2) boys are more interested in how technology works, while girls are more interested in how it can be used, 3) both sexes would benefit from authentic technology assignments (ie, building something real and useful to the student) given in an atmosphere that promotes experimentation without fear of failure or pressure to meet a standard in a certain amount of time.

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