Sunday, October 22, 2006

We Got Game: Serious Gaming for Training

We Got Game is about Etcetera Edutainment's rollout of a new video game simulation for Forklift Training. Etcetera Edutainment builds video game simulations (known as serious gaming) for training purposes in manufacturing, mining utilities and health care industries where "accidents can mean hundreds and thousands of dollars in damages or even death." The heart of the article is towards the end where it talks about the benefits of video game simulations in relation to hands-on training. 1.) Simulations foster sound decision-making under pressure 2.) Mouse Click and High Score is recordable which makes training effective and meaningful for the players 3.) Demographics: More than 60 percent of adults age 18-35 actively play interactive video games.

Companies can develop training simulations anywhere from $50,000 to $500,000 and companies like Etcetera Edutainment are hoping to turn serious gaming into a very big business.

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