Sunday, November 18, 2001

My roommate just bought a new game called Empire Earth and is completely addicted to this game. The game revolves around building an empire (civilization) from the stone ages through time and into the future. When I said it sounded like SimCity, he replied "kinda, but more in depth and you can go to war against another civilization that another person is constructing…that’s what makes it fun." (I knew there had to be a shot-em-up aspect to the game for him to like it so much.) He and his two friends have been holding competitions for days playing against each other for hours upon hours. I have yet to play the game but after talking to him about it and viewing the web site, (They even have their own blog right on the site) I just might have to play. However getting him to share could be reminiscent of fighting with my little brother to play Super Mario Brothers when we first bought our Nintendo.

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