For the past few years, I’ve been trying to find a web site that provides educational software reviews using a formal methodology. I still haven’t found any really strong sites (If anyone knows of any, I’d like to hear about them), but a number of years ago I ran into
SuperKids Educational Software Reviews.

This website reviews educational software titles based on educational value, kids appeal, and ease-of-use, and employs a 1-to-5 rating scale (5 being best.). However, the site doesn’t provide any metric indicating how scores are arrived at. Still, it’s better than another review site I ran into,
The Review Zone, which does much the same thing but never met a software program it didn’t like, and tends to spend more time on Nintendo GameCube titles that actual educational software.

You can also check out some of my
reviews of eduational software while I was a tutor for
Project READ of Redwood City. These reviews are well-known for their dry wit, persuasive rating scale, and compelling writing style, made up of equal parts 'wanton heed' and 'giddy cunning' (By the way, does anyone know the origin of that quote by Milton?).
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