Saturday, November 22, 2003

QuarterMile Math Program

I have used this drill and practice math program in summer school to test the speeds of incoming sixth graders. QuarterMile Math is appropriate for grades K-9. The problems are randomly generated and the user receives plenty of practice. There are a variety of topics to choose from at each grade level.

I have mainly used this to help the students with their times tables. The program allows you to practice up to 12 x 12. If a student is having difficulty with a certain number, say 7's, he or she can practice that particular number until they feel confident.

The students enjoy the ability to choose between a horse or race car for their race. The students are in constant competition with themselves, and other classmates, to beat their personal best time. The program keeps track of the top 5 average for each category. This allows for benchmarks for every topic. The goal is to answer the questions correctly as quickly as possible.

QuaterMile Math is appropriate for both genders and has the capibility to build confidence quickly.

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