Saturday, December 15, 2001

Here is a game that uses standard telecomm functions to make the game extremely interactive. It is called Majestic and the tag line is "It plays you." The real time feature means that you may be anywhere, doing anything, and you may recieve a voice mail calling you to come play the game. Just in case you weren't addicted already, I guess.

This is how they explain it:

"Majestic is an episodic online entertainment experience set against the backdrop of a grand and sinister conspiracy -- an unfolding mystery adventure that uses the Internet as a canvas for its story, weaving you through both real and fictional experiences in real time. Highly personalized and naturally paced, Majestic tailors your experience specifically to you as it dynamically changes the content of Web pages, emails, faxes, voice mails and chat conversations in order to immerse each player at the very heart of a developing story. Majestic players assume the leading role in their own adventure, interacting with other characters, uncovering clues, searching for answers, collecting and using digital objects and resolving challenges to progress through the experience. Unlike other forms of entertainment, Majestic actively pursues and interacts with you based on events developing within the fiction, creating a uniquely suspenseful entertainment experience."

I'd check it out but I'm afriad I'd be majorly addicted. Maybe after graduation.. :)

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