Monday, December 17, 2001

Asperger's syndrome - have you heard of it? Apparently it is a mild form of autism, and it is becoming more and moe prevalent, especially among children in Silicon Valley. In short, the hypothesis is that parents with highly technical abilities carry the gene, and maybe passing it on to the kids. The description of the disorder sounds very much like a description of the stereotypical pocket-protected engineer: lacking basic social skills, unable to pick up on others body language and feelings, monologues about narrow and often technical interests, along with an average or high IQ.

Tony Atwood is quoted as saying in the Wired magazine December issue that, computers "are an ideal interest for a person with Asperger's syndrome...they are logical, consistent, and not prone to moods." It's noted that many chidren on the spectrum of autism become obsessed with Pokemon and computer games, and perfer to play alone. In a related article, Oliver Morton says that a diagnosis is only given if symtoms are causing a significant impairment. It seems that the goal of the furture is to learn how to channel the abilities of autistic people, while helping them cope with the social and interpersonal skills they lack.

"Behavioral training" is being offered as part of Microsoft's health benefits for autistic children - there is speculation that Bill Gates has a degre of Autism. Perhaps combining the familiarty of the computer with game like behavioral training would be a step towards balancing the skills of people with Asperger's? More info at

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