Just as CNN asks its real-life audience to submit I-Reports -- user-generated content submitted from cell phones, computers, cameras and other equipment for broadcast and online reports -- the network is encouraging residents of Second Life to share their own "SL I-Reports" about events occurring within the virtual world.
"The thing we most hope to gain by having a CNN presence in Second Life is to learn about virtual worlds and understand what news is most interesting and valuable to their residents," said Susan Grant, executive vice president of CNN News Services. Watch CNN's welcome video from Second Life »
This is the Web home for I-Reports from the virtual world of Second Life. Check here for the latest SL stories, photos and videos, and get updates on CNN-hosted events inside the world.
Here's a link to a form that allows you to submit your article. (link)
Or just take a picture, provide a brief description, and send as postcard or video to slireports@cnn.com
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