Wednesday, November 12, 2003

Wikis- How credible should something be on the net?

This isn’t really about a game or simulation but I thought it still blog worthy! I have been thinking a lot about wikis and their role in the accessing information. There are two issues here; first with the development of the web we can access just about anything we want. We can look up statistics, biographies, real-time events, just about anything. But how true is the information we are reading. That brings me to my second issue. The wikipedia is a way of researching and gaining knowledge in a very interactive way. You can move through the pages and find yourself beginning with a topic such as Ballet and find yourself at Communism (trust me I did it). As great as it is to weave through the plethora of information, how do I determine its validity? Being an Ed Tech major I understand the difference between credible and non-credible resources, but what about the common teenager surfing the net. Do we have a responsibility to him to make sure the information being provided is accurate or do we just say, “well you can’t trust what you see on the net!”

The www is the truest form of freedom of speech- uncensored, raw, and possibly true. The wikipedia presents this fact magnificently especially since it is easily changed by others. Your freedom of speech is not protected by others freedom to disagree!

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