Tuesday, December 12, 2000


This blog doesn't really have to do with technology and games but technology and corporations, so I thought I would talk about it anyway since I think it applies to our field. Anyway I have been hearing a lot of discussion on the news and radio about the fall of dot.com companies lately. Everyone's stocks are going down and they are laying their employees off by the hundreds. One story that really grabbed my attention was about Priceline.com. It was said that not too long ago their shares were going for about $165 a share and now were worth somewhere around $2.15! That's insane, especially because Priceline is one of the more successful dot.com companies. I was wondering what other's opinions were on this topic and why they felt this was happening. You can also find an interesting article on this subject here: http://content.careers.msn.com/GettingHired/JobHunting/0011_dropcom.asp.

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