Monday, October 03, 2011

Edtec670 Post #1

I'm not teaching now,but if I were teaching a video editing I would steer my students to
Creative Cow is a multimedia tutorial website that gives students and hobbyists alike lessons and tips on using several multimedia programs such as Adobe Premiere,
Flash and Final Cut Pro. The way the site is presented and used fits nicely with the ARCS Model..
The layout of the site grabs your attention by listing several tutorials and how they can improve your current skills.
Once a tutorial is started by a learner,relevance occurs when prior learning with a given software must be recalled to complete a tutorial.
Once a tutorial is completed successfully the learner's confidence and motivation to learn more goes up. If the tutorial proves to be a challenge the learner can return to it until they get it right.
When tutorials are completed and applied in the learner's own work..Their satisfaction with learning the new skills will be higher.

1 comment:

Leslie the designer said...

I used this site years ago in my other life as a graphic designer and sort of forgot about it. Of course, it's gotten much better in the ensuing years and I see some helpful Photoshop tutorials that I'd like to share with my 8th graders when we do the PS unit later this year. It's interesting, but I would never have seen the gaming angle to this site without your pointing out those elements to me, so thank you for those insights!