Monday, November 17, 2008

Dimension X: Evolver Pre-Algebra is a game that definitely deserves a look. It’s designed to have the feel of a first person shooter and an RPG in one. It’s storyline and graphics will hold a student’s attention, while the math is incorporated into the game in a subtle puzzle solving nature. The game begins with us choosing a character to sign up for a mission to save a scientist on an island. Each character has a full background story that makes them seem real.

Then a small training is given to allow players to become accustomed to the game settings. This section even provides practice in the quiz that follows each stage of the game. The answers are shown to be correct or incorrect. If incorrect, a voice will tell the player that there is “error in the data.” This could be improved by providing explanations for why the answer was wrong but the instantaneous feedback is nonetheless helpful to the player’s learning.

Learning does not just take place in the quizzes in this game. Players collect numbers to break codes in the technology of the antagonists’ lab in order to open gates and gain entry to their bases. Players also fight with creatures and others in the game using numbers and equipment such as EMP’s to do damage to enemies.

With great visuals, a good story line, math application and quizzes, I would recommend this game to any student of pre-algebra. 

See the site:  

See a brochure for the company:

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