Saturday, October 19, 2002

Yet Another Way to Make a Game

In Netscape's last days as a viable company, they gave away the source code of their once cutting edge browser to the open source movement. The hope was that volunteer hackers everywhere would upgrade the code dazzlingly for the sheer satisfaction of it. And in fact they did, though it took several years. The history and results of all this are described in a new book Creating Applications with Mozilla. Mozilla is at least as good a browser as Internet Explorer. But, as indicated by the book's title, Mozilla isn't just a browser, it's a platform for doing all kinds of communication tasks. Here's something new to me: they're using Mozilla to develop games.

"Mozilla is an excellent platform for building classic arcade and console - style games. It provides the developer with many of the features that these games rely upon, such as images, sound, network connectivity, application logic (scripting) and UI (via XUL)."

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