This summer I found myself browsing websites for some fresh teaching ideas. How could I make the old new again? While searching, I stumbled across a website by another third grade teacher, Beth Newingham. This year, her classroom website takes on the name, Studio 13 and is full of glitz and glamour.
Attention: When I started browsing her website, the first thing that grabbed my attention were all of her examples. She explained how she set up her binders and ideas, but also included concrete examples of the ideas. There were lots of pictures to click on, so that you could understand her ideas. Along with pictures, she also provides videos of these ideas in action.
Relevance: Because I am a classroom teacher, the material that Beth presents in her website and blog is extremely relevant to me. The curriculum and the way the instruction is delivered, via reader’s and writer’s workshop, is identical to our district’s standards. In her blog, you can ask her questions about her ideas and she responds back with a personal answer. The website is also set up, so you can pick and choose what you want to implement. You do not have to do it all!
Confidence and Satisfaction: Because Beth includes so many visuals and step by step instructions, it is easy to become successful with implementing her projects. As a teacher using her website to learn and implement new ideas in my classroom, I can select what I want to use and what I do not want to use. I have already implemented many of her strategies in my own classroom and keep coming back for more.
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