allows students to quiz their knowledge in math and reading. Since I'm a Language Arts teacher, my students generally use the reading section of this website where they get help with previewing texts, testing their grammar skills, confusing plurals, word confusion, and root words. As their teacher, I like that this website focuses on many skills that are less focused on in the traditional classroom setting, but are still equally as important.

Relevance: The website offers several different categories that align with English standards. Many of these standards (grammar, spelling, plurals, root words, etc.) are difficult for teachers to motivate students to learn, but they are still a very valuable part of their education. It also includes a section for students to select games based on their current grade level. Learning these skills will help improve their writing tremendously!
Confidence: After the student selects the type of game they'd like to play, they're then asked at what level they'd like to start the game. This gives students at all levels the opportunity to feel confident in their skills. While completing each level, hints are given when wrong answers are chosen, so the student learns from their mistake and does better the next time a similar question is posed. They also include an great HELP section below the game that gives definitions of the words they may be looking for, depending on the level. After each level is completed, the student is then asked if they'd like to challenge themselves at the next level of difficulty, giving the student even more opportunity to expand their knowledge.
Satisfaction: This is the one are that I think could be improved for this game. Though students scores are tracked within each game and they receive some satisfaction at the end of each level accomplished, I think it would be great if their overall points were kept on the main screen totaling all of their points throughout their time on the website. This could help raise student satisfaction levels even more as well as help teachers keep track of their student's productivity.
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