I don't know if it was intentional, but they seem to hit on many of the elements in ARCS. Each tutorial attempts to capture the Attention of learners by clearly labeling the skill that they will learn. They organize their content by allowing the learner to choose a specific problem they would like to solve. Obviously you must be a bit self motivated in basketball, but their organization builds curiosity to solve their specific problem a dig deeper into their site.
This learning experience is valuable and Relevant to the learner in two ways. The first is that they use expert advice (Duke University, High School Coaches, NBA Pros.) to train their learner. They use a universal basketball terminology that all learners can understand. Each tutorial focuses on solving a specific problem which makes it very valuable for the learner.
After viewing a few of their tutorials the learner feels very Confident they can either coach the skill themselves or execute it as a player. They chunk material into clear steps while providing feedback and demonstration to help the learner control their success.
One weakness this sight may have is the way they reinforce Satisfaction. The strategy they use to verbally reaffirm that they were taught what they were promised to learn going into the training.
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