Wednesday, September 28, 2011

My Fitness Pal

A great motivational tool I’ve been using lately is My Fitness Pal. Available both as a web site and an app for your phone, My Fitness Pal is a fitness tracker and tracks the amount of calories you intake and the number of calories you burn through exercise.

 When my boyfriend first told me about the app for my phone, I was dubious. I’ve long hated the idea of tracking calories as it seems to become an obsession for those who do, but I’d been working out regularly for over a year and seeing very few results, despite eating healthy. The app got my attention because it’s so easy to use. You can search for nearly any food you’re eating, build recipes and meals that you eat on a regular basis, or scan a bar code to enter items. It’s especially great for me because it has nearly everything Trader Joe’s sells and I shop there pretty much exclusively. Likewise, you can find exercises and the average calories burned for various amounts of time. Essentially, the app does all the work for you. And once you enter foods and exercise on a regular basis, entering information takes mere seconds.

 The app has proved very relevant for me. It showed me I was under eating and showed me how many calories I really needed to intake to lose, and later maintain, a healthy weight. I’m not looking to be a size zero, I just want to be healthy and the app showed me how under eating can contribute to excess body weight as much as overeating. My Fitness Pal has given me the confidence to keep working toward a healthy body weight. I understand better now portion size, how many calories foods really have and how much exercise I need to keep my metabolism brewing at an optimal level.

 I’ve been very satisfied with the app and tell everyone about it. It really is a fantastic tool to help people realize what they put into their bodies and how they can, and should, alter their intake to live healthier lives. The most amazing thing is losing weight with My Fitness Pal really hasn’t been that difficult. It’s simply helped motivate me to realize the 250 calorie cupcakes sitting in my office aren’t really worth it. They don’t really taste that good anyway.

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