Saturday, November 02, 2002


QBInternational offers customized solutions to businesses that desire high-result, low-cost eLearning tools for complex technical products. They claim their games and simulations are more fun, more efficient, and less expensive than traditional eLearning tools. QBInternational has developed Framegames, shells of learning games that can be quickly modified to fit any content area. Framegames are based on the work the company’s chairman, Dr. Sivasailam "Thiagi" Thiagarajan. Framegames allow learners to receive new ideas, apply these ideas to a task, and receive feedback on their performance. This process is repeated until expert fluency is achieved, changing the challenge level of the games as needed to prevent boredom or frustration.

Visit QBInternational’s Playground to play samples of Framegames, that include game types such as Categorize, Choices, Chunks, Infoquest, Matrix, and Simulation.

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