A flying spaghetti monster has been spotted in SL! I researched the issue and found some interesting information. Apparently, in 2005 a student, Bobby Henderson, in Kansas sent a letter to the Kansas Board of Education asking them to stop teaching evolution in science classes. He coined the flying spaghetti monster as a symbol of what he believed in against the teachings of evolution as a science in educational facilities. He even created CoFSM (Church of Flying Spaghetti Monster). Henderson had a large following in his spaghetti monster beliefs and fight against the Kansas Board of Education. His fight to stop the teaching of evolution in public education proved unsuccessful in Febrary 2007, when his request was rejected. However, the FSM (Flying Spaghetti Monster) has been spotted flying around Second Life to this day! Have you seen it?
Thanks to Wikipedia for providing background info on the FSM
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