Musings and findings about teaching with games. Created by the learning community of EDTEC 670 at San Diego State University.
Monday, October 31, 2005
EDTEC 670 - Exploratory Learning Through Simulation and Games
Show me the money ... Videogamers geeks go Hollywood
"The game developers’ conference is typically a low-key geek fest … The power structure used to be clear: Video gamers bowed before Hollywood grateful for any chance to make movie-based games.
But that’s all changing. With global reach of their own and a taste of the big time, the game makers are learning the movie game well enough to play it themselves. … It’s now common for videogame designers like Jordan Mechner, who created Prince of Persia , to have agents that scout out lucrative studio development deals."
What surprised me, was the comment about Microsoft (yeah … sometimes I am a little naïve)
"Microsoft’s Xbox division has made the most aggressive move into studio territory. It’s commissioned a screen player for its hit game Halo from novelist Alex Garland and tapped former Columbia Pictures president Peter Schlessel to try to ignite a bidding war for it."
In the article, even though the author doesn’t mention the source, she presents some figures about the income in different categories of entertainment. Among movies, DVD/videos and online games, the games still do not have enough market share compared with the other categories:
"…. While consumers in the US spent $7.3 billion on gaming software last year [2004], they brought $9.5 billion of movie tickets and spent $15.7 billion renting and buying DVDs and videos". How close the figures of video and movies are, captured my attention.
The last part of the article … “Will Hollywood makes room at the table? Facing the triple threats of slowing growth, piracy, and the mounting influence of DVD retailers, they certainly should.” Make me thing that the synergy between Hollywood and the games industry definitely will raise the bar for the type of sophistication that the educational e-games will have to have.
Source: Fortune Magazine – April 18, 2005. Vol 151- No. 8. Page 40
Use of commercial games in education, teaching, and learning
Here is another excellent link which should come in handy for the research project portion of the course.
Game Research and Technology
This interesting link explores the symbiotic relationship which can exist between video game design and production and research by providing lots of useful links!!
Game articles that Paul posted
In the Game Design and Game-Development Education article, the authors speak of the necessity of an interdisciplinary team to develop a good program curriculum. Sounds like universities could use advice from the game professionals, although academia probably couldn't afford to pay them as consultants anywhere near what they are making in private industry. It does looks like Southern Methodist University collaborated with game industry experts to create their 18 month certificate in digital game development.
I have included the link to the The Game Design Initiative at Cornell University here.
The “I still don’t quite get it” article was interesting in that it pointed out many skills that gamers acquire that are advantageous for other types of learning and communication. The author helps to dispel the myth that playing games is just a waste of time.
Friday, October 28, 2005
Usability, which is the property of Jakob Nielsen, who has been dubbed "The Guru of Web Page Usability" by The New York Times. I read a few of his periodic blurbs he calls "Alertboxes". Great stuff. Even if it isn't about games, per se, it is very valuable for instructional design and web design, which are the building blocks of a lot of what we are doing, and will be doing with games in the future.
My personal favorites were The Top Ten Web Design Mistakes of 2005 (yes, they are still making many of the very same old basic blunders in 2005) and R.I.P. WYSIWYG. (Stay on the lookout for Office 12 and the WYGIWYS.) It is so interesting. Exciting times are ahead.
Just had to pass it on...
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Four Recent Game Articles
Here are the titles of four recent articles on games that I found interesting, and you might also. All four articles appeared originally in the Summer 2005 issue of the Phi Kappa Phi Forum magazine, Vol. 85, No. 2. These articles are all available as full text PDF files through the SDSU Lirbrary’s Public Access Catalog (PAC), using the Academic Search Elite (EBSCO) Database. Simply choose "publications" under "advanced search" and type in Phi Kappa Phi Forum.
Unfortunately, one cannot directly link to the full text files because the PAC is password protected. This is probably just as well, as now I will not have to worry about any midnight visits from the copyright police.
“Good Video Games and Good Learning,” by James Paul Gee.
"Game Design and Game-Development Education,” by Mohan Rajagopalan and David Schwartz.
Monday, October 24, 2005
Homeland Security Comes to Second Life
The blog, New World Notes, by Wagner James Au, broke a story dated October 19, 2005, concerning (real) United States Homeland Security and other disaster relief organizations using Second Life to simulate and model emergency response behavior.
With a free Second Life membership, you too can visit "Response", a virtual community "owned" by a top East Coast University designed for organizations to safely practice and refine emergency procedures. An amazing real world/virtual world crossover.
Sunday, October 23, 2005
Open Directory Project (Games section)
Saturday, October 22, 2005
Musings on Motivation, Toys, and Flow
After last Monday’s class Motivational Analysis Exercise in which I observed as a “Mike” or Csikszentmihalyologist, I have been thinking a lot about motivation in general. More specifically, I have been reflecting about what I find motivating in terms of playing a game. As I grew up (at least chronologically) before the age of computers, the internet, and video based games, I started thinking about some of the toys and games I played with as a youth. This led me to locate the National Toy Hall of Fame, which has links for thirty one different toys. I played with most of them, with personal favorites being the Tinkertoy construction set, and Gilbert’s Erector Set. I was definitely in a state of flow as kid playing with these toys, letting my imagination run wild. These toys were just basically pieces that you could fit together anyway you wanted to, along the likes of wooden blocks or LEGO bricks. Like any toy, play occured while one was in flow, and typically quit when when boredom led to an out of flow condition.
The side of the Tinkertoy container encouraged users to submit unusual model constructions to the game manufacturer for evaluation. To wit, my Mom took a picture of something I made out of Tinkertoys and sent it in. A few weeks later, the company sent me a “Junior Tinkertoy Engineer” certificate “in recognition of creative imagination, ingenuity, and skill.”
This was really quite motivating to me back in 1963, and probably helps explain why I still enjoy building things.
Friday, October 21, 2005
An experiment using an educational multiplayer web game
Develop Problem-Solving and Creative-Thinking Skills
Created in the Department of Computer Science at Brandeis University, is an educational multiplayer environment where two players challenge each other with geometric puzzles using a rare version of Tangrams. The game is fun and challenging and builds skills in geometry, spatial rotation, problem solving and creativity. Also check out SpellBee and MoneyBee and, coming soon, GeograBee and CalcuBee.
Here's the site.
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Can Video Games Stimulate Learning?
Monday, October 17, 2005
Middle School Students Creating Games
GenCon 2005 - November 17-20th
Sunday, October 16, 2005
Monopoly: Icon of Americana
To maintain a balance in the game, there have always been exactly 32 houses and 12 hotels in the Monopoly game. If it were possible to improve all the properties, it would be difficult to force opponents into bankruptcy.
Building shortages are not merely a realistic aspect of the game, but also one intended to perpetuate the game's underlying, ruthless nature. A smart player will scramble to develop their properties, hiking up rents, and thus stripping their "opponents" of the capital needed to develop their own color group. Camaraderie among players is further discouraged by the prohibition of favors."
"Identity. Means. Nature. Layout. Leisure. These elements that made Monopoly can likewise be attributed to the value of game play in exporting and defining a culture. The success of Monopoly was due not only to its ingenious use of the game's underlying principles in marketing it, but also to the cultural mechanisms enacted by it (though not intentionally)."
"In plays, there are genres, stages, lines, actors, a hero, a villain, a climax, a conclusion, and most of all, a moral or lesson embedded in the plot. Now parallel this to game play. In games, there are types, boards, rules, players, a winner, a loser, chance, an outcome, and the values learned from playing the game, as ingrained by its objective.
An individual sits down to play a game. They are a "player." Their "stage" is the board, upon which they act out this newfound role. Their "lines" are framed by the rules they must follow in order to suit the objective, or "plot." At the rattle and roll of the dice (the climactic moment) the outcome is evidenced and the conclusion realized. And so the curtain falls as the "hero", the winner, conquers the "villain", the loser."
There is sooo much more to savor here...check it out if you can.
Friday, October 14, 2005
Most Important Games Ever Made?
The “Most Important Games Ever Made,” is a list of fifty video/computer-based games from 1 . All fifty of the games listed, such as Pong, Zork, and Tetris, are linked to individual pages which describe game details, provide resource links, show a list of progeny descendant from the original game, and offer opinionated musings as to why each game on the list is historically important.
I don’t think that very many Apple customers would agree with this, but “The Macintosh” computer made the list as game number 22! Ironically, the linked page says that “creator Steve Jobs discouraged the development of Mac games for fear the machine would be seen as a toy.”
Whether these are or are not the most important games ever made is something I am not qualified to venture an opinion on, and of course is certainly open to debate. However, by reading the historical background of the games presented on the site one can trace the evolution of video/computer-based games, from 1962 to the present.
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Game Theory & Prisoner's Dilemma
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
NASA Games
5 Cognitive Psychology Games from NASA
These five games explore recognition, mnemonics, recall, interference, and encoding areas of cognitive psychology.
The Mnemonicizer, (the mnemoic device device)
Sunday, October 09, 2005
Have You Hugged Your Kid Today?
Unlike the companies behind toy crazes that pried every lemonade-stand nickel from the palms of young consumers -- Beanie Babies come to mind -- LeapFrog has focused its marketing efforts on busy moms and dads. The strategy has paid off -- a playroom strewn with educational toys now has the same sort of social cachet as a Harvard sticker on a Volvo station wagon. "There is a certain fashion to toys," says Sandy Springer, director of merchandising for Imaginarium, an educational toy retailer operated by Toys R Us. "Parents today are more savvy about what's out there for their children. If you give too many generic toys and not enough educational [toys], you are not seen to be an intelligent, in-the-know parent." It's not just the parents. The learning frenzy is also fueled by pervasive marketing that tries to cast just about every plaything as educational. Manufacturers and retailers of children's products from mobiles to Matchbox cars are hyping the learning angle, and even the simplest toys have fallen victim: Rattles now "inspire confidence" in infants, and the red rubber playground balls we all know from elementary school are now said to foster an understanding of rules in toddlers. One teacher review of Baby's First Blocks from Fisher-Price claims, "The toy naturally introduces your child to important mathematical concepts," in addition to allowing the kid to "to practice visual discrimination." A wooden puppy-shaped xylophone from Babystyle isn't billed just for early music development, but also as "great for developing baby's hand/eye coordination." And at, Crayola Sidewalk Chalk is peddled, not to draw hopscotch games or simply have fun, but to inspire your budding "little outdoor artist."
The last line of the article is priceless:
...parents can make it a priority to set aside some time on a regular basis, shut off the television and all the gadgets, and rather than seeking a leap, simply offer their kids a lap.
There is also a lot of great stuff in between warning against letting an electronic [or any other type] gizmo rear a child.
Games for Grandma
Although the majority of the current research is focused on the impact of video games on adolescents and young children, the use of video games to help improve the perceptual motor skills and self-esteem of elderly adults merits these studies a separate section of their own. A few interesting findings of this area's eight studies include:
- Elderly adults who played video games responded faster on a reaction time task than those who did not play video games (Clark, J.E. et al.).
- Significant improvements in self-esteem were found in elderly adults exposed to video games for eight weeks (McGuire, F.A.).
- Video games were used to improve a variety of perceptual-motor skills in a group of senior citizens. Subjects also reported improved coordination, better driving habits and few minor mishaps in the home (Drew, B., & Waters, J.).
- In an evaluation of the adaptation and use of video games by elderly adults, the games were shown to encourage concentration and focus attention. Although the games created some anxiety and fear of failure, most subjects enjoyed the games and developed a feeling of mastery (Weisman, S.).
- Video games could be used as a non-threatening tool for the diagnosis of physical and mental problems (Weisman, S.).
Saturday, October 08, 2005
Games, Learning & Society program officially launched at Wisconsin-Madison
Areas of study include digital literacies, digital game-based learning environments, gender and gameplay, and MMOGs. "
Friday, October 07, 2005
Cool Web Site to Explore
good resource for board game rules
Here is a good board games rules resource I came across.
Forty percent fewer failures through a game?
Have you ever wondered why you have not been able to attain your vision? Or why the changes you make never seem to last? If so, then perhaps The Manufacturing Game® is for you!
The Manufacturing Game® experience provokes participants into exploring their mental models and thinking systemically; it encourages collaboration through team learning and enhances communication.
This is done through an innovative "high-touch, high-tech" learning lab using accelerated learning technology. The goal of the game is to “create a profound change in beliefs and commitments about defect removal, and an immediate action plan for dramatically lowering defects in the participants' processes. This is the paradigm shift needed for an organizational change effort to work. Typical improvements have been forty percent fewer failures and a third lower costs within a short time frame.”
Further, the learning lab “incorporate a highly integrated system of learning technologies into a single experience that compresses time and space and allows participants to quickly see the consequences of their decisions and strategies without the fear of failure or reprisal.”
Believe it or not, all of the above gets accomplished through a 4' x 6' board game which takes six hours to play!
Participants have three roles to play: Operations, Maintenance, and Business Services. The object of the game is to satisfy customer demand by producing and shipping the finished product and returning a profit to the company. Over the course the game, players see a simulated year of plant operations.
Thursday, October 06, 2005
Entertainment Technology Center, CMU
Games … not just for fun … architects on board!
This initiative of a dutch professor (Ir Kas Oosterhuis) – “ …discusses current and future transformations within digitally driven architectural practices through innovative cross-disciplinary collaborations in general and real-time collaborative design, engineering and prototyping processes in particular”
I visited the link of the Prof Oosterhuis (, and one of the goals of the seminars is “ … to discuss the interplay between architecture and computer game design”.
Further in the page is pointed that both computer game design and architecture organize spatial relations.
In my case, even though I consider myself a visual person, when it comes to understand space, and re-interpret in 3D something in 2-D is really a challenge. I found interesting the approach to use the gaming simulation, to do not exactly to compete against others but to have your own sand play to practice skills.
One of the sentences I read just kept bouncing in the back of my mind …
“Computer game designers are thereby stretching the boundaries of what is possible in the virtual world” …
Can then people with any background at all in building, design (based in out of the box propositions) my house in the future ? …
Sounds as an interesting mix … computer game designers & architects.
Earth Contest
"A new online reality game where players face extreme challenges and face their worst fears all while trying to beat the GameMaster. Using Google Earth placemarks and web pages, we've created the world's biggest interactive game.
In order to beat the GameMaster, you must follow the clues and utilize the Checkpoint feature to move ahead. Once you've beaten the first GameMaster, you'll advance to the BIG GAME of EARTH CONTEST where you'll compete with other self proclaimed super sleuths for BIG REWARDS!"
Google Earth, you probably already know, is the coolest new application to arrive in a long time. Once they release a Mac version, I expect to be losing a lot of time there exploring the globe and probably playing EARTH CONTEST.
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
The Online Guide to Traditional Games
My favorite image comes from this description of Pachisi.
"The Indian Emperor Akbar I of the 16th century Mogul Empire, apparently played Chaupar on great courts constructed of inlaid marble. He would sit on a Dias four feet high in the centre of the court and throw the cowry shells. On the red and white squares around him, 16 beautiful women from the harem, appropriately coloured, would move around according to his directions. Remains of these boards can be seen today in Agra and Allahabad."
Imagine that.
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
COTS Games in Education
From: John Kirriemuir
My first posting, so a short bit about myself. I am an independent
researcher, who is also part of GERN (Games and Education Research Network) at the University of Bristol in the UK:
I study the use of COTS (Commercial Off the Shelf) games in education, learning and teaching.
The use of COTS games in curriculum-based education is a subject that's increasingly arisen in the games and education research overlap in the last few years. By COTS games, we mean those that you get from a computer and video game shop, and are designed purely for fun/entertainment - not for learning.
The most popular types of these games, being used in education, seem to be:
- Business and economic simulations, such as Sim City, Zoo Tycoon, and RollerCoaster Tycoon. Some of these have a cross-curricular role; for example, Zoo Tycoon encourages economic skill development, while at the same time educating about animals and their habitat.
- Dance mat-based games, used in physical education.
- Historical re-enactment games, such as the Civilization and Age of Empires series.
More detailed examples, with descriptions from teachers of how the games were used, are available in this 4Mb Powerpoint presentation:
It's a fluid and fast-moving field, with a number of game developers and publishers looking to see if they can use their products "out of the tin", or whether modification and substantial teacher support materials are required. Various hook-ups between the games sector, academic research sector, and education sector, are popping up. For example, NESTA FutureLab (a UK research unit) and EA games are collaborating to find ways in which games can be used effectively in the classroom:
Do EDTECH mailing list subscribers use such games (or different "pure" computer games), and if so how do you use them to assist in delivering curriculum-based education? Or, would you consider using such games, but don't due to some impediment?
John Kirriemuir
University of Bristol / Silversprite
Monday, October 03, 2005
eschools News Online article on game design major/minor
The Buttkicker
At first glance it doesn't seem to have much relation to the world of education, but if we remember that training simulations are usually better to the extent that they can mimick real world situations, this device may have a place.
I remember watching a video about flying airplanes where there was a similar set up. The seats actually shook a bit in coordination with appropriate moments in the movie, and it did add to the experience.
MSNBC has a report on the Buttkicker here.
Sunday, October 02, 2005
ROP readings
Operational: Rules of Play
Constituative: Rules that exist below the surface (logical and mathematical)
Implicit: Unwritten rules (etiquette, good sportsmanship, etc.)In Stephen Sniderman's article titled "Unwritten Rules", he makes interesting analogies about games and the "real world". He talks about the unwritten (implicit) rules that underlie the written rules that tend to be dependent on culture. Probably the biggest unstatable rule that is universal is being a good sport and having good etiquette. This would be a good example of one of his statements, which is "the most powerful rules, the ones least likely to be violated, are those that are not stated explicitly, those that people have to infer or intuit. To state a rule is to invite players to break it, but to leave a rule unstated is to make its violation almost literally "unthinkable.
In conclusion, he makes the case that games serve one very important social function, which is as abstractions of "real-world" situations. The article is here.
Something that was said in class the other night make me think of an idea which may already exist. What if (in a game or a website), instead of the player navigating around the board or website, the board moves around you. I'm not sure if the player would have control within the game or be at the mercy of everything moving around them. Does anyone know if there is anything like this?