As far as "social value" is concerned, what about boxing, football, and basketball? What possible worth can pounding the sense out of your opponent be? How about tackling your opponent so hard as to cause injury in football? How about putting basketball in so high a regard as to have young high school children aspire to do nothing else? I suppose these things are just more socially acceptable, no? Do these games really benefit anyone or society as a whole?
As far as being antisocial, that's really a matter of opinion. I've been to countless LAN parties where all we did was frag each other in Quake 3 Arena for hours on end. I feel quite close to these people. I don't think that's antisocial do you? Perhaps spending time in a bar getting drunk and incoherent is a better way to be social. :) Talk about a "way to escape."
Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to come down on you or anyone else who may hold a similar viewpoint. I just think that some people just overreact and are overly judgemental about things. Think of it this way, if we as a society really want to get rid things that may cause violence, perhaps we should get rid of the bible. After all, there is no other piece of media that has caused more violence in the history of human civilization. Consider the Crusades to modern day assinations of abortion doctors.
Now, some would argue that it's not the bible that causes violence but unstable people who misinterprets it. That's fine, but can't the same be said about video games? Perhaps it's not the video games causing the violence but a few misguided individuals who are unstable to begin with.
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