Sunday, December 09, 2007

Tactical Language and Culture

I don't know if I feel proud, or frightened by this finding, but this is a real world example of customized  simulations training our armed forces in multi-cultural interactions. I mean seriously, look at the email address: Also, the company logo is just itching for a cross-hair to be drawn across the dot in the "i" of "Tactical"!

The premise of this product is excellent, as this knowledge and skill-set is critical. Its training focuses on how to communicate in foreign languages and cultures. As it was designed for the U.S. Military, its current menu of activities include learning groups called Tactical Iraqi, Tactical Pashto and Tactical French. These courses are to be used in Iraq, Afghanistan and Africa and focus on teaching vocabulary, language and cultural knowledge. To convey this information, skill builders, arcade games and mission games are used. The interactivity and graphics resemble Second Life. And there is plenty of feedback with colored signs indicating if communicated correctly or not.

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